Friday, May 15, 2009

USA - Watch out, here I come...

Again a lot has happened since my last entry and not much has gone to plan. The school holiday program went really well – 11 days at Nanga cooking on the open fire (when I say cooking I mean burning lol). The kids who stayed the night really got a lot out of it.
20 hours and 15 minutes until I fly out to the USA for Camp America. I sorted everything out with my visa and getting a ticket - Only by a whisker though. I have been very lucky and things have just fallen into place for me. I still can’t actually believe that I am going.
I fly from Perth to Sydney, Sydney to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to San Antonio. I then will be staying over night at the hotel to get picked up for camp Sunday afternoon. I’m going to be super tired but I think I will be running on pure adrenaline.
I cut my hair nice and short and I have lost about 8kgs. I’m not exactly sure how I lost the weight but I think it’s a mixture of both lifestyle change and not eating after dark. I feel a lot healthier.
Monday just gone I had my last night of Cub Scouts. I’m going to miss that a lot however I think the kids from camp will be keeping me busy. On Wednesday I dropped Keeta down at a friends place in Donnybrook. I cried my eyes out when I left her, I felt like I was abandoning her but I know that she will be fine where she is. I’m going to try to see my little brother Aj today and spend a bit of time with him. The 3 things I will miss most is: Aj, Keeta and my cubs
Camp finishes on the 16th August and I plan to visit a few cub packs in the US then hopefully travel up to Wisconsin to meet some Shadoran friends of mine. I’m not making any concrete plans for that period because I would like to go with the wind. I do however need to be in Los Angeles on the 29th August because that’s where I fly out back to Australia. Its weard because I actually completely miss Sunday 30th August because of the time zones. Doing Camp America is going to teach me a lot. I’m going to experience things that I have never seen or done before. I don’t know what it’s going to do for my Nomadic lifestyle, maybe it will encourage me to be more grounded or maybe the opposite. Who knows! I guess time will tell.