Saturday, April 11, 2009

The more you learn – the more you learn you don't know!

A lot has happened since my last entry and not much has gone to plan. I sorted out the transport problem for my Cub Scout camp at Honeymoon Pool. That was a really good camp and my last with my Cubs until I return from the USA. The Thursday before camp I had a visit from a wild pack of Bores at Nanga which tore throw my campsite and overturned everything. I think my dog may have drawn them in and I was rather surprised (aka terrified) that they come into the campsite, which I was staying at as it was very popular and a lot of people used it, especially on the weekends.
After camp I was invited over the assistant leaders place for dinner, they offered me to stay in the caravan for a while and with the recent 'visit' in mind I was very glad for the offer. Living in a caravan wasn't something that I really wanted to do but it was better then nothing until I had the opportunity to get things sorted. I still owe a lot of money to people so I had to work and I ran youth camps every single weekend. The wild bores visiting didn't physic me out of camping but the offer of the caravan was very convenient for the time being. For the night before my 25th Birthday I went out with Keeta and stayed the night where I has stayed those first weeks. Keeta remembered the place and spend the first half hour with her tail between her legs and jumping to every noise. She eventually felt safe and was able to run around and explore the area without the confines of her lease. I trust her to do this because she comes running to me whenever I call her now. I still put her on her long lead when its nighttime or when lots of people are around – but that’s more for her safety.
My School Holiday Program starts next week so that means a lot more camping which is great because I kind of would like to get away from the 'habit' of living in the caravan and start to re custom myself with more rustic living. In the school holiday program we are camping as a tribe and learning basics like cooking on the open fire, making things from clay and making fishing spears. I am keen to see how creative the kids can be when it comes to that kind of thing. It’s now only just over a month away from when I am meant to fly to the USA but I still have not completed my VISA or booked a flight. If things go right I will be in the USA before I know it. Fingers crossed and with fate willing – things will be ok.

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